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Dark Frontiers Monthly Recap: October

Welcome to our latest monthly recap, where we’ll delve into the most significant updates from the world of Dark Frontiers in the past month. October was an action-packed month with the spotlight on PVP (Player versus Player) gameplay and the imminent release of the PVP mode. Strap in and get ready for an exhilarating journey through the latest developments; you won’t want to overlook a single detail, so let’s get started!

Arena Showcase

After the thrilling PVP arena gameplay reveal, we were treated to a more in-depth exploration of the arena. The arena boasts remarkable expansiveness, accommodating intense 10vs10 team battles that promise to deliver intense confrontations. Let’s take a closer look:

PVP: Everything You Need To Know

Furthermore, we gained valuable insights into the workings of the upcoming PVP mode release. This article provided a comprehensive breakdown of essential information, ranging from the available features to tournament structures and earnings mechanics. Dive into the details right here!

PVP Centred X (Twitter) Space

Lastly we held another X (Twitter) Space AMA, where our main focus of discussion was of course the PVP mode. Here we gave further details on the PVP mode and answered some of your burning questions as well!

If you want to listen to the recording of the space you can do so here, or just read the highlight article here.

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