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Dark Frontiers Suit Owner Pre-Alpha Sign Up

The Dark Frontiers suit owner Pre-Alpha is almost here! This is your chance to be among the first to experience the game and shape its development by providing valuable feedback to the developers.

As a suit owner, you’ll be able to try out the game before it’s released to the general public. You’ll also have the opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas with the developers, helping to shape the direction of the game. It’s an exciting time for both players and developers, as the Pre-Alpha marks a major milestone on the road to the game’s official release.

If you’re ready to join the ranks of the first players to experience Dark Frontiers, all you have to do is sign up for the Pre-Alpha.

How To Sign Up

  1. Join our Discord server here
  2. Connect your wallet that holds a spacesuit in the connect-wallet channel. Once connected you will receive the Suit Owner Role.
  3. In the pre-alpha channel click the “I want to participate” button. You will be redirected to a form. Fill out the necessary information and click “Submit”
  4. Congratulations, you’ve successfully signed up for the Dark Frontiers Pre-Alpha! Hang tight while we make the final preparations for the pre-alpha.

Registrations will remain open until the Pre-Alpha starts. The starting date will be announced separately, so keep an eye out for announcements on Twitter or Telegram.

Participation Rewards

Suit owners who participate in all upcoming Pre-Alphas will receive one random tool NFT as a reward!

Possible Rewards:

  • Pickaxe NFT
  • Laser miner NFT
  • Gas extractor NFT
  • Syringe NFT

Requirements to be eligible:

  • Own any space suit NFT
  • Participate in all suit owner Pre-Alphas (this includes the January Pre-Alpha and any future upcoming Pre-Alphas that will be available to all suit owners)

As you wait for the Pre-Alpha to begin, consider joining the Dark Frontiers community on social media to stay up-to-date on the latest news and updates about the game.

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