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Tales from Luna: Sector 23 Part 2

This is part 2 of this lore entry. Read part 1 here!

Recording 01, 9:00 UTC, 20th August, 2054 – Joanna Collier, Lead Geologist/Acting Dig Site Manager

*click* Test, test. Is this thing recording properly? *click* Ok, so Doctor Fairfax advised me that I need to keep voice records of my progress. Something about historically important commentary being scribbled on napkins.

Anyway, during routine core sampling, one of our drills struck something and jammed. In our attempts to dig it out, we unearthed the top of a rectangular pillar. Once we reported a possible alien find, HQ was quick to send out some robots to help, and they have been doing a great job. We’ve managed to clear the pillar down to bedrock and found another in the process. I have got to admit though, this stuff looks… different. A lot of the previous Primori finds have been very functional in nature, but this stuff looks almost decorative. I am seeing symmetrical symbols etched on the surface that don’t seem to have any function.

I dunno, maybe this is just a really fancy signal mast.

Recording 05, 14:33 UTC, 21st August, 2054 – Joanna Collier, Lead Geologist/Acting Dig Site Manager

A number of steps have been uncovered at the edge of the dig site! We initially thought the robots were creating a stepped ramp to get out of the pit, but a closer look showed them to be made of the same material as the pillars. Apparently, this is a big deal. A couple of xenologists came out when they heard about it, and they were very excited.

The downside is that they’ve insisted that we slow the excavation rate in order to prevent damage to the structures. Frankly I think that’s a load of bull. You could swing a pickaxe at one of those pillars without leaving a dent. I suspect they’re hoping to stall things a bit until they can bring in someone more senior to take over from me.

Recording 09, 19:02 UTC, 21st August, 2054 – Joanna Collier, Lead Geologist/Acting Dig Site Manager

Called it! A senior xenologist is being brought in to head the dig. I won’t say I’m not annoyed by it, but at the same time I’ll be happy to see my bunk for the first time in almost 24 hours.

Left the xenologists arguing about the symbols on the pillars. One was talking some nonsense about “ritual purposes”, while the other two were going on about religion. Amounts to the same, doesn’t it?

Anyway, this means someone else will have to continue these voice logs.

Hey, you with the data pad! Catch! *cshhhhk*

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