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Tales From Luna: The Primori and Qu’nesh

The Primori

The Primori are an ancient alien species about which very little is known. Traces of their civilisation were only discovered towards the end of the 21st century, when more extensive lunar exploration revealed that supposed “geological abnormalities” were actually gigantic subterranean structures, with sometimes only a small part appearing above the surface.

The outside walls of these structures were made of a material that proved too hard for conventional tools to penetrate, and large excavation projects were initiated, seeking to locate entrances that might be buried deep below.

Research teams eventually managed to make their way into the structures, and what they found was evidence of an alien race of a technological advancement far beyond our own.

Nobody knows what the Primori looked like, as no physical remains of one have ever been found, but their technology suggests a high level of biotechnological interfacing, with all their technology seemingly operated remotely, either by electronic signals or some form of innate or artificial telekinesis.

Because of this, their structures and technology have no obvious buttons and limited visual displays. Instead, they appear to have an uncanny smoothness and a seemingly strong focus on stability and longevity, with many systems potentially still being operational, if only anyone knew how to operate them.

Explorers that stumble across Primori structures  should tread with caution, for while much might be learned from the technology within, nobody knows how aware the silent systems are of the human presence, as they await the possible return of their creators.

The Qu’nesh

Nobody knows when the alien species known as the “Qu’nesh” discovered the Sol system, but findings on the moon suggest that they began to investigate the Primori structures about 70,000 years ago, several hundred thousand years after the older race seemingly vanished.

The first human scientists to encounter Qu’neshi equipment initially thought they had found a new form of Primori technology. However, it did not take long before it was understood that they were dealing with a separate alien race. Not only that, but one that had been investigating the same Primori structures they were.

Qu’neshi structures have certain visual similarities to those of the Primori, with a tendency towards angular features. That is where the similarity between the two species ends however, as their equipment is nowhere near as durable. Instead, it focuses on modularity, replaceability, and most important of all – to the human scientists at least – physical interfaces.

When discovered, these traits allowed for the rapid reverse-engineering of many of the devices, rapidly advancing human technology. The physical interfaces also meant that some of the less damaged technology could be repaired and operated by humans, although some changes had to be made to accommodate the physiological differences. The resulting development in power generation technology was what allowed the establishment of a self-sufficient moon base.

The Qu’nesh appear to be an insectoid race with multiple appendages that might all function as both arms and feet, with the individual having a high level of control over each limb individually. This would allow them to operate multiple controls simultaneously. They also appear to have a chitinous exoskeleton or shell, with few if any nerve endings. Qu’neshi “seats” appear to have very little padding or comfort features, instead focussing entirely on allowing the creature to settle in and lift all its limbs off the ground and provide the maximum number of free “arms” at any one time.

The lifespan of an individual Qu’nesh appears to be short compared to that of a human, with one of the limiting factors seemingly being the exoskeleton or “shell”, which stops expanding once the alien reaches maturity.

One of the main ongoing research efforts at the time of the Dark Incident was to decode and understand the Qu’neshi language and their data logs. Though the research was disrupted, the initial progress was promising, and had the potential to reveal more Qu’neshi research, as well as advance human understanding of the reasons behind the Qu’nesh presence on the moon.

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